Zamob Gallery Lock ProHide picture android apk
Suportados em:Android Froyo (2.2)+
Pacote ID: com.morrison.gallerylock
Selected as the App of the Year by Times Magazine!
Hide pictures and videos! (KeepSafe).
"Gallery Lock" manages pictures and videos by individually hiding them and it is an app that is absolutely needed for protection of personal privacy. The product is one of the most popular apps in the world and is one of the top 10 apps sold on Google Market.
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Hide Photos & Videos
Folders supported.
Beautiful designs.
Stealth Mode supported (a feature hides a launch icon).
Share pictures from Gallery Lock to any applications.
Rotate and zoom features .
Slide Show supported.
Mp3 background music playing supported while slide show.
A variery of viewing mode.
Multi-select feature for fast hiding, un-hiding, sharing .
Easy-to-use PIN,Pattern access.
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classificações : 2.2 / 5 ,total de Classificado: 6

Baixe Gallery Lock ProHide picture android


android aplicativos de segurança


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Zamob Gallery Lock ProHide picture android

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