Zamob EmailSMS android apk
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Suportados em:Android Froyo (2.2)+
Pacote ID: com.dexters.sms2email
Have you ever thought of making backup of your inbox..or Have you forgot your mobile at home or at your office..or Are you in a workplace where you are not supposed to use your mobile?? Dont worry here comes the solution EmailSMS which is a SMS forwarder application for Android which allows one to forward your incoming SMS to the predefined email address. Simply configure the email settings and activate the service and simply sit back in front of your computer and read all the SMS within your email inbox. Here are few features of the application.Forwards incomming SMS to specifed email.Archives SMS in case of no internet connectivity.Detailed Log messages of each activity.filters SMS according to predefined number on user choice.Neat and simple interface.The application has been tested successfully with GMAIL mail client However yahoo and hotmail accounts are also supported. If any problem persists in using Yahoo or Hotmail kindly email me.Please note that if you are updating from the app from previous version make sure you restart the service after updation.
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