Zamob Battle Quest Chapter 1 Permainan Java jar
German company FDG announced mobile game Battle Quest, as the one which has much in common with Diablo — the most popular game of this kind.
The player can use more than 1 million (!) different elements in this game (for example weapons and armour). Gameplay is just the same as in Diablo.
And this means that the player will meet thousands of monsters and different obstacles on the levels.
In Battle Quest there is an option which allows to choose one of two characters for game (wizard or warrior).
There are two big cities in this game, two underground dungeons and huge amount of secret rooms which are spread on the map.
As this is a role play game you can make weapon trading, sell different artifacts and some little things which were found while you were wondering in this world.
The game offers 99 levels to upgrade your character.
In order to make the game process more simple you are going to meet peaceful world inhabitants who will help your character find the place he needs.
In Battle Quest the player will have to fight against 4 main bosses.
This game has rather good detailed enough graphics.
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Zamob Battle Quest Chapter 1 Permainan Java

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