Zamob Mobile Market Creator Inc. android apk
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Pris en charge sur:Android Froyo (2.2)+
Paquet ID: com.a2311864555000933ccad960a.a00819576a
Mobile Market Creators. Inc. is a technology oriented company created with the intent of helping small to medium size local businesses compete with their larger competitors. With over 5 billion mobile phones throughout the world and growing exponentially, there is no doubt that the mobile marketing arena is rapidly becoming a major marketing component of any business looking to survive in the 21st century. MMC has developed a program that will provide any business with the opportunity to access this new and powerful technology.MMC is aMobile Marketing Specialist helping businesses and professionals effectively use a new and unique marketing technology to increase sales and heighten awareness of their business or organization. MMC offers a variety of services, such as text messaging, mobile and internet advertising, mobile website creation, QR Codes and microsoft Tags, etc., tailored specifically to the needs of each client
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Zamob Mobile Market Creator Inc. android

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