Zamob MP3 Sound Recorder 1.1 aplicaciones de androide apk
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Apoyado en:Android Froyo (2.2)+
Paquete de Identificación:
Android MP3 Recorder Realtime high quality MP3 RecorderLanguage supportedenglish Korean JapaneseMain features Realtime MP3 encoding no more waiting Keep recording while screen is blacked out Low power consumption MP3 quality options bitrate, samplate High stabilityAndroid MP3 Recorder records voice as high quality mp3 format It encodes signal into MP3 in realtime.It means user doesn39;t have to wait for the long time to convert raw recorded file into MP3 or some compressed formats.It provides several options of bitrate, samplate.Encoding format is limited by MP3 by now. but further updates will support more formats.There are two versions of Android MP3 Recorder.Free version has an advertisement bar and its recording time is limited by 15 minutes. Any [email protected]
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Zamob MP3 Sound Recorder 1.1 aplicaciones de androide

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