Zamob Quran Hindi aplicaciones de androide apk
Apoyado en:Android Gingerbread (2.3)+
Paquete de Identificación:
Quran Hindi ( )
Read the Quran in Hindi ( )
Browse suras, Ajiza' and ayat.
Search by clicking on search icon. You can search in the whole Quran, in a Juz or in any sura.
A long click over a verse will add it to bookmarks, share it on social media or messaging apps, or attach notes to it.
Listen to the arab recitation inside each sura.
You can buy the premium version, which has more features, click the button "Menu" in the homepage screen.
Limitations of the free version
The search function displays the first 50 results.
You can add up to 5 favorites.
Nonintrusive ads.
Functionality of the Pro Version (Quran Hindi PRO)
The search returns all matches.
Unlimited favorites.
No ads.
Improved speed.
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Zamob Quran Hindi aplicaciones de androide

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