Zamob DJ Party Mixer aplicaciones de androide apk
Apoyado en:Android Gingerbread (2.3)+
Paquete de Identificación: com.djmix.djpartymix
Tired of dull DJ mixer software, dj music player and DJ scratch masters? Want to vary music creation with something new?
DJ Party Mixer is a music app for creative people and music lovers like you! In this dj music mixer there are music tracks with different loops, and you can combine the sounds, turn it on or turn it off. Manipulate the music as you wish by adding sound fx ( dj sounds effects), using music equalizers and more! Record your tracks just by pressing "mic" button.
DJ Party Mixer dj turntables scratch master for free:
- High quality sounds;
- Great number of tunable tracks;
- Recording feature;
- Free to use.
Music mania begins with DJ Party Mixer!
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Zamob DJ Party Mixer aplicaciones de androide

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