Zamob YR weather widget HD aplicaciones de androide apk
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Apoyado en:Android Honeycomb (3.0)+
Paquete de Identificación: se.stephanson.YRWidgetHD
YR weather widget.Tired of all the conventional weather widgets that show a little sun a little clouds and temperature Here is YRWidget that shows a meteogram instead. Much easier to see if there will be rain in the afternoon. The YRWidget show the Meteogram from the website from the place nearest to your location It updates weather every third hour. There is also an Application for those who do not want to run it as a widget. You can bookmark your current location. This version is for Android 3.1 and newer, support widget scaling. Works well with tablets.
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Descarga YR weather widget HD aplicaciones de androide

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Zamob YR weather widget HD aplicaciones de androide

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