Zamob AppSoup Launcher aplicații android apk
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Sprijinit pe:Android Eclair (2.1)+
Pachetul ID: be.camaris.appsoup2
show off your app collection See all your apps on one screen and launch them.Show off your app collection with this Crazy App Launcher.App Soup Launcher features: See all your apps on one screen. Launch an app with only two clicks. Multiple Animations nexus, trails, spiral ...If you don39;t like the 39;clean desk39; app launchers and app organisers, try this different app launcher.How to use it: Tap on an app, and tap the large icon on top to launch. Change animation style with the right bottom button. Close the launcher with the left bottom button.note This app launher is still in early development, but it is fully functional.More animations comming soon send me some tips.In launcher game comming soon.What do you think ?Please rate the app and send in you feedback.Sure like to know what you think about it...
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