Zamob Memory Game jeux java jar
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Memory Game mobile game is a delicious game designed for your mobile device. Memory Game is an appetizer puzzle game with excellent graphics and mouth-watering foods on mobile devices. Memory Game mobile game offers brain exercise as well as visually stimulating foods. Memory Game mobile game has sushi, chickens, eggs, cakes and so on. All you have to do in Memory Game mobile game is to memorize the location of the food pairs in your mind and find them in given time. You have to find the pairs with minimum clicks during the game. Memory Game mobile game supports java and android. Good enough to eat or tasty enough to remember?
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évaluations : 3.3 / 5 ,nominale totale: 6

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Zamob Memory Game jeux java

Télécharger Memory Game jar jeux java à partir d'applications de Zamob magasin.. Zamob