Zamob Health Calculator android apk
Pris en charge sur:Android Donut (1.6)+
Paquet ID: an.HealthCalc
This app is able to calculate the Body Mass Index, Basal Metabolic Rate, Max Heart Rate and Blood Alcohol Content.Body Mass Index: You are able to calculate the Body Mass Index of a person. Just enter in your mass and height.Basal Metabolic Rate:You are able to calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate the daily energy expended by humans at rest. Just enter in your weight, height, and gender.Max Heart Rate: You able to calculate your maximal heart rate. Just enter your age.Blood Alcohol Content: You are able to calculate the blood alcohol content. Just enter the gender, consumed amount, alcohol in drink, body weight and the time since the first drink.
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Télécharger Health Calculator android


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Zamob Health Calculator android

Télécharger Health Calculator apk android à partir d'applications de Zamob magasin.. Zamob