Zamob Team Balance android apk
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Pris en charge sur:Android Eclair (2.1)+
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In Dutch known as bierpot.Whether you play football hockey, basketball, baseball etc. You and your team mates usually buy drinks after the game.This app enables you to easily keep track of the money you and your team mates spent. You also get a clear overview of your team39;s performance after the game.The application features:Add accounts from your contacts Add custom depositsadjustable Quick deposit buttonsDeposit historyTotal deposit in headerAverage deposit bar in the list, so you can easily see who performs above and who below averagePassword protect on add and delete possibleDeposit period filter only show deposits from a certain period.importexport .csv tofrom your SD card
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Télécharger Team Balance android

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Zamob Team Balance android

Télécharger Team Balance apk android à partir d'applications de Zamob magasin.. Zamob