Zamob Travel planner android apk
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Pris en charge sur:Android Cupcake (1.5)+
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Find your trips in western parts of SwedenFind your journey with public transport in the western part of SwedenOur travel planner finds the smartest trips for you.Features are for example: Plan yor trip between two addressesstops. Locate the nearest stop via gps. Easy presentation of the trips. Trip presentation on A map. Price and smscodes. Accessibility information. Disturbance information and new trips suggestions if your trips is not possible due to delays Real time information is not available everywhere. Real time timetable for stops. Traffic disturbances in Swedish Gadgets for stops and trips.
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Télécharger Travel planner android


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Zamob Travel planner android

Télécharger Travel planner apk android à partir d'applications de Zamob magasin.. Zamob