Zamob Physical Therapist Assistant E aplicaciones de androide apk
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Paquete de Identificación: com.contentmaster.PTAExamTrack
Physical Therapist Assistant Exam Track is designed specifically for candidates who have attended Scorebuilders two day PTAEXAM: OnCampus Review Course.The application is an ideal tool to assist candidates to customize their remedial activities and to objectively examine their readiness to take the National Physical Therapist Assistant Examination.Specifically, the application is designed to allow candidates to:1.Track sample exam scores in relation to established target scores.2.Track the types of mistakes on sample exams i.e., academic, decision making, test taking.3.Offer remedial strategies to candidates based on their current scores and portfolio of mistakes.Company information Scorebuilders is the recognized market leader in licensing preparation for the National Physical Therapy Examinations. Our product line consists of review books two day review courses, web based comprehensive exams, flash cards, and iPhone applications.Copyright 2012 ScorebuildersPTAEXAM Track is the exclusive property of Scorebuilders.No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted, in any form, without the express written consent of Scorebuilders.
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Zamob Physical Therapist Assistant E aplicaciones de androide

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