Zamob My Stock Notification aplicaciones de androide apk
Apoyado en:Android Froyo (2.2)+
Paquete de Identificación: com.robkeplin.stocks
Receive stock notifications so you can "set it, and forget it."If you're a medium/long term investor, and only check your stocks at the end of the day or week, this app is for you.Add stocks from the NASDAQ, NYSE, NYSEAMEX and NYSEARCA exchanges. Set lower and upper prices which, if dropped or risen to, merit you with a notification. Your stocks will be checked 3 times an hour throughout the day; 9am-5pm MON-FRI EST.Rightfully so, this app is not geard towards inner day traders, but rather medium/long term installing the app, you agree to the terms and conditions on our website
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Zamob My Stock Notification aplicaciones de androide

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