Zamob Zapya - file transfer tool Androide Apps apk
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Unterstützt auf:Android Froyo (2.2)+
Package ID: com.dewmobile.kuaiya
Zapya - The fastest cross-platform wireless file transfer tool.
Product Features:
1) Wireless sharing among Android, iOS and Windows PC devices;
2) Speedy transfer without mobile data, up to maximum of 10MB/sec
3) Surpass Bluetooth, NFC, and AirDrop
4) Local network gaming without using Internet
App, photo, music, video, or just any file type, Zapya can transfer them to another device without aid of mobile network nor Wi-Fi routers. The content is duplicated directly from phone to phone at 40 times Bluetooth speed! Besides, Zapya also provides convenient ways to install itself on your friend's phones directly from yours, so you can share anything with your friends anytime, anywhere, without prerequisite.
Other than Wi-Fi file transfer, Zapya also provides on-demand installable local network games for fun. Give them a try!
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