Zamob Pocket Drugs Dictionary Androide Apps apk
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Unterstützt auf:Android Donut (1.6)+
Package ID: com.andro.pocketdrugsdictionary
It come with the name called Pocket drugs dictionary helping you all to know true meaning of drugs.Drug dictionary is a very useful application that allows you to search for information related to the active drug.Moreover, the search returns links to sites containing information on more active.The application works only with an active internet connection, and then the information is current.the Handbook delivers concise, practical guidance to help you carry out one of the most difficult tasks you face.The app can be used in personal family but can not and should not replace consultation with a doctor or a pharmacist.Key id: Pocket Drugs Dictionary, Drug dictionary, dictionary, drugs information, drugs guide, drugs info, drugs helpdownload best app of drugs with collection of drugs and there meaning. it is helpful for all medicals which want the meaning of particular drugs.
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