Zamob Ayurvedic Medicine Androide Apps apk
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Package ID: cs.AyurvedicMedicine
Ayurvedic Medicine Traditional Indian Herbal Medicine.Ayurveda is used today as a generic term for traditional Indian medicine. By combining organoleptic sensebased empirical medicine with religious ritual perspectives, Ayurveda is a complete medical system. It deals with health in all its aspects; physical health, mental balance, spiritual wellbeing, social welfare, environmental considerations, dietary and lifestyle habits, daily living trends, and seasonal variations in lifestyle, as well as treating and managing specific diseases. Ayurveda teaches respect for nature, appreciation of life and the means to empower the individual. It is holistic medicine at its best Ayurvedic herbal is an overview of the wonders of ayurvedic pharmacology: how Ayurveda understands plants, how it prepares them and how these preparations are used. Ayurveda is literally translated as science of life but it can also be described as the way of living with awareness and promoting longevity. Ayurveda tells us which substances, qualities and actions are life enhancing, and which are not.
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