Zamob Image and Video Hider Android Apps apk
Supported On:Android Eclair (2.1)+
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Do you have images / photos / videos on your phone that you don't want others to see?
Want to password protect them?
Lock / hide your pictures and videos with this application
Over 1 million items secured already!
Stealth Mode added as a extra add-on which completely hides all the safe options in the application so someone who launches the application will have no idea what it's real purpose is!
Use the visually impressive 3D gallery to select videos / images and add them to your safe to hide / lock them
Then log into your safe with a password to view the media (images and videos are played WITHIN the app)
Without the password you cannot view the media
The name of the application will be 3D Gallery once you have downloaded it from the market so it doesnt standout if someone is browsing your apps on your phone

Click and hold on an album or image / video
Tap other media items to also add them to the safe, you will see a checkbox with a green tick once selected
Select More from the bottom right hand corner and select Lock
To view your safe select the Menu button and click on View Safe
The stealth add-on completely hides all the safe options in the application so someone who launches the application will have no idea what it's real purpose is
They will go into the main gallery and not see any safe options, so they think its just a regular gallery!
To show the safe menu options like 'View Safe' follow these simple steps
1) In the main gallery select menu
2) Choose 'About US'
3) DOUBLE TAP / CLICK anywhere on the screen and the stealth mode will be disabled
4) Go back to the main gallery and you will see all the menu options
After 1 minute of inactivity e.g the application going into the background the stealth mode will reactived.
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Zamob Image and Video Hider Android Apps

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